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Friday, February 23, 2018
By Shabby Chic Junk Boutique
Holy cow! It's February 23rd and I'm sitting on my lovely couch watching "Wreck It Ralph" with my daughter, and it dawns on me...WE'RE EXACTLY ONE MONTH AWAY FROM OUR FIRST SHOW!
I am just so excited! I can feel it in the air, the anticipation, the excitement, the JUNK! Oh, for the love of Junk, what could be better? Coffee? Did I hear you say Coffee? So me myself, not really big on the coffeemochalatte-ado thing. BUT...I know there are a lot of you who are:) So Heartland Coffee & Nosh will be there to give you that little bit of Jolt when you get tired from shopping. And next week we will be putting the final touches on some pretty Swanky Tshirts!
And hey keep a look out for this awesome sign-age! This beaut will be displayed over the Gordon Drive Bridge any day now!
We still have room for vendors so click this link to get signed up! https://kwingert.zibster.com/form/vendor-application
And keep your eyes out...we might just have a deal coming your way!
-The Swanky Lady